Lose Fat

5 foods to eat to lose belly fat in 21 days

5 foods to eat to lose belly fat in 21 days

Reduce your calorie intake by 500 per day. To shed fat you need to burn more calories than you consume. Bulk up your lunches and dinners with high-fiber, low-calorie vegetables like broccoli, spinach and zucchini. Stick to water, diet soda and black tea or coffee. For your 150 minutes of cardio, you can jog, swim, cycle, use a gym machine or play sports. When strength training, while you may want to concentrate on your belly fat, spot reducing fat from one particular area isn't possible.

1. Canola Oil

Already dubbed a heart-healthy cooking oil, canola now touts another boon: when Brazilian researchers fed rats a diet containing either canola or soybean oil for two months, the soybean-oil eaters gained nearly 20 percent more fat in and around the organs of the belly (also known as visceral fat) than those that chowed on the canola-oil-enriched diet. While researchers can’t say exactly how much canola oil people would need to include in their diet to achieve this effect, they believe that canola oil’s high omega-3 content lowers insulin levels, ultimately discouraging fat storage in the abdomen.

2.Lemon Water

Our liver loves lemon. The connection between our liver and belly fat may not be immediately apparent, but they are indeed related. Our liver is a powerhouse of an organ that can take a beating. I like to think of the liver as an air filter; it can get clogged up if it's not maintained and cleaned. Lemon water helps to do that! Our liver secretes bile. Bile helps to break down fat. Lemon water can help to thin out bile and keep toxins flowing through your liver, then out of your body. As a result, fat metabolism becomes more optimal.
TIP: Juice one lemon, or simply add about two tablespoons of lemon juice to one cup of warm water. Drink every morning before you eat. Feeling ambitious? Try a one-two punch of one tablespoon ACV + one tablespoon lemon juice to water, and drink that instead!

3. Low-Fat Milk

Milk (and other low-fat dairy products) will help you build strong bones, but if you want to whittle your waistline and gain calorie-burning lean muscle you may need to up the ante. In a 2011 Journal of Nutrition study, dieters who ate 30 percent of calories from protein, including six to seven daily servings of dairy, chiseled off more belly and total fat—and gained more lean muscle—than women who trimmed the same number of calories but ate less protein and dairy. Researchers think the whey protein in dairy, which boasts the amino acid leucine, is particularly important in stimulating the formation of new muscle proteins

4. Oats

Wrongly tarred with the “carb” brush, oats are a whole grain, and are high in soluble fiber, so they cut cholesterol and blood fat. They’re also high on what nutritionists call the “satiety index,” meaning oats have tremendous power to make you feel full. Oats digest slowly, so they don’t raise your blood sugar, and they keep you feeling filled up well into the late morning. Oatmeal is, oddly enough, one of the best foods to help you sleep, as well. Old-fashioned steel-cut and rolled oats, with up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, are best, but even instant oatmeal has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving. While the fiber in whole grains may deserve some of the credit, researchers note that whole grains are rich in magnesium, a mineral instrumental in regulating fat metabolism

5. Eggs

In case you hadn’t heard, eggs have been rehabilitated. In fact, nutritionists wish those warnings about the dangers of eggs had never been issued. Because they’re a concentrated form of animal protein without the added fat that comes with meat, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse and the perfect way to start your day with a “bang” of energy. (And they’re fine, at least in moderation, for those restricting cholesterol, too.) Dietary studies have repeatedly found that when people eat an egg every morning in addition to (or instead of) toast or cereal, they lose twice as much weight as those who eat a breakfast that’s dominated by carbs.

Food rules Make these changes to your diet to lose weight and get a flat tummy fast!

1 Cut the C.R.A.P: Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods.

2 But allow yourself a weekly cheat meal. Once a week, enjoy an indulgent meal of whatever you fancy, from creamy pasta to a slice of chocolate cake with cream. As ong as you're eating clean, healthy food the rest of the time, an occasional high-fat treat actually speeds up your metabolism.

3 Take fish oil supplements: They burn fat and supply essential fatty acids.

4 Always have breakfast: Eat within one hour of waking up. If you don't have time for a proper breakfast, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.

5 Don't eat after 8pm: Eating a large meal in the evening when your body is slowing down or sleeping is a bad idea for your digestion and weight.

1 comment:

  1. I have found this article to be very helpful. I can attest to the fact that lemon water actually helps in loosing weight. This is the kind of article that anyone who would like to loose weight in a healthy way should read.
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